Monday, July 14, 2014

Living With Nature


Our little log cabin has withstood the elements for almost 30 years now but it's under attack by carpenter ants. Round one, will the Grants Ants do the trick?  Did we successfully block off one of the mouse entry holes? What type of flooring should we use to replace the old vinyl that we removed? Stay tuned...
Peter and Cissy Van Vleet, wish we had a fire circle picture to commemorate our most enjoyable evening.

1 comment:

  1. Two weeks later ... there is no sign of sawdust, only mouse signs around the door. They keep wanting to nest there. But they also seemed to have spent a lot of time going into the bait station by the door. So maybe they will disappear after eating the bait. I did put another ant poison outside the log cabin. The ladies at Farm Supply told me it has worked well for them.

