Step 1. At the pump house, turn off the water to the log cabin. Do that by turning the middle lever to the horizontal position
The drains when there is water to the log cabin
The water to the log cabin shut off. Note that now the middle lever is horizontal
Step 2. Go back up to the log cabin and open all the faucets, they stay open The faucets include
- the faucet by the woodpiles,
- the faucet on the porch,
- the faucets in the sink and shower and most importantly,
- The two drains in the back
I drained the water heater too but father said I needn't do that
Step 3. Go back down to the pump house and open the drain. It is the leftmost lever and should turn from horizontal to vertical. A lot of water will run out the drain outside by the door. It will eventually stop. After flooding the area. That is all the water in the line.
The drain from the log cabin is now open. Note that the bottom left lever is now horizontal
Water draining from the line to the log cabin
Step 4. Go back to the log cabin and flush the toilet and scoop out all the water in the toilet bowl and the back tank. The little paper cups and/or a sponge are good for the last part
Step 5. Pour antifreeze (stored under the sink) in The toilet bowl,The sink drain andThe shower drain
Leave all the faucets and the drain open until the water is turned on again in the spring
Great documentation. Thanks Ann.