Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Still lots of syrup, less ice cream, no more bacon

The sourdough start is working away and supplies remain about the same except for the bacon and Java Jolt ice cream. Who keeps buying the rum raisin? It's always the last to go.


  1. I guess I thought someone liked rum raisin. As folks get desperate, it will disappear too. But next time, more java jolt for sure. As you may have noticed, it had been popular earlier.

    Good photos

  2. But there were a couple of pounds of bacon in the freezer. Did you eat it all???

  3. There were several packages of bacon, one with only a few pieces, one with freezer burn, and one pound that I thawed and then brought the remainder home rather than refreeze.

  4. Everybody Loves Rum Raisin ice cream. Don't they?

