Saturday, April 3, 2010

New Technology

This is a time capsule of sorts - let the record reflect I'm writing this on a Motorola Droid Phone and its the coolest piece of technology ever! Anyway, just took the dogs out for a walk and was able to go everrywhere on a crust of ice - no sinking with just boots on. The forecast calls for sun today, so I guess the question is how warm it'll get today.

And all through the house, no one was stirring, not even a mouse (hopefully, and thank god).



  1. Cool. Did you do it via the internet or Verizon?

    Glad to hear there are no critters yet. Maybe the Droid also keeps them away.

  2. He used the internet. No Cell signal (yet). I dont think these cellphone company fellows know that the Emerts, the Stewarts and the Robinsons retreat here.

