Saturday, July 23, 2011

Shaver Expedition

This morning we rented Kayaks in shaver. While it was nice to try something different, the experience wasnt REALLY cool just because the lake was packed with loud waverunners and boats.We paddled passed Shaver Island with the stupid people from LA that think they can own something in the middle of the lake. pfff. 
but no one was home. so we paddled back. We are thinking that it might be a better idea to do the kayaking thing up by Court Right where there are only people fishing in quiet boats.

Now Andrew is cooking a delicious rack of lamb with chimichurri sauce. Its way warmer (78 degrees) than this past weekend when we were here with Adam Rapp. Jumping in the cold lake felt good.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Good times with sweatshirts and small dogs

Well, look who is here with us this weekend!

Mr Rapp! who is studying for the California Bar exam so that one day he can be a real lawyer and take us out for expensive dinners. On the flip side Adam, if you fail the exam, you just dont have to be a real lawyer and we will take you out for dinners!

Adam did tons of studying and we did a lot of exploring. Right when Adam call it a day of studying, we killed him on a game of Settlers--and he thought he was winning all the entire game!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Big Day

After a few months of much secret planning, the big day is finally here! This has been an event put up with much of everyone’s love and effort for Andrew and me. Thank you so much to everyone, it could not been more perfect.

Thank you Jane for all the orchestrating!
Thank you Auntie Ann for all the manual hard labor and coordination!
Thank you Uncle Lou for making such a clever and cool trail!
Thank you Paul for driving and taking care of all the legalities of the event!
Thank you Uncle Jim for officiating the ceremony!
Thank you Jennifer and Ron for spending the time those days before the event to decorate!
Thank you Pauline and Steven for driving Grandma and Grandpa!
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for being there!
Thank you Dawgs for making sure the groom didn’t run away!
Thank you James for bringing your talent and taking cool photos!
Thank you Van Vleets for sharing the wonderful Jeep!
Thank you Kristel, Karen and Jennifer for taking care of this high maintenance bride!
Thank you Lauris for painting my nails!
Thank you Milton and Mary for traveling so far!
Thank you Jodie and Paul for making sure the Jeep made the appropriate noise and for driving the Jaimes' crew up to the mountains!
Thank you Uncle Milton for putting the dance floor together!
Thank you Margie for coordinating the travels!
Thank you Dad for chauffeuring!
Thank you Paulis for being my wonderful Big Sister and doing all the Big Sister’s stuff!

Thank you Andrew for making me your partner. Here is to many more years of love and surprises!
